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This Agreement Is Made in the Originals

This Agreement Is Made in the Originals

This Agreement Is Made in the Originals: What It Means and Why It Matters

When you enter into a contract or agreement with another party, it`s critical to ensure that everyone involved agrees to the same terms and conditions. That`s why you`ll often see legal documents that state „This Agreement Is Made in the Originals.“ But what exactly does that mean, and why is it important?

What Does „This Agreement Is Made in the Originals“ Mean?

When an agreement is made in the originals, it means that every party involved signs a physical copy of the agreement. Each party keeps their signed copy, and these copies serve as the official versions of the agreement. This is in contrast to a digital or electronic agreement, where parties may sign using an e-signature or digital signature.

Why Is This Important?

There are a few reasons why making an agreement in the originals is important:

1. Clarity: Having physical copies of the agreement ensures that all parties are clear on the terms and conditions. When everyone signs their own copy, there can be no confusion about who agreed to what.

2. Accountability: Physical copies of the agreement can also help hold parties accountable. If a dispute arises, each party has their own copy of the agreement to refer back to.

3. Legally Binding: Physical copies of the agreement are considered legally binding. This means that if any party fails to abide by the terms and conditions, they may be held liable in court.

4. Evidence: Physical copies of the agreement can also serve as evidence in court. If there is any dispute over what was agreed upon, each party`s signed copy can be presented as evidence.

In today`s digital age, it may be tempting to rely solely on electronic signatures and digital agreements. However, there are still many cases where making an agreement in the originals is the best course of action.


When entering into a legal agreement or contract, it`s critical to ensure that everyone involved is clear on the terms and conditions. Making an agreement in the originals ensures clarity, accountability, legally binding terms, and serves as evidence in the event of a dispute. So, next time you`re signing an agreement, keep in mind the importance of making it in the originals.