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Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement Extension

Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement Extension

As a tenant, you may be wondering about the possibility of extending your assured shorthold tenancy agreement. This is a common concern for those who may want to stay in their current home for longer than initially planned. In this article, we will explore what an assured shorthold tenancy agreement extension entails and what you need to know.

Firstly, what is an assured shorthold tenancy agreement?

An assured shorthold tenancy (AST) is a type of tenancy agreement that applies to most rental properties in England and Wales. This agreement is usually for a fixed term of six months to a year, after which the landlord can give notice to end the tenancy or offer a renewal.

What is an assured shorthold tenancy agreement extension?

An assured shorthold tenancy agreement extension is when the landlord and tenant agree to prolong the current tenancy beyond the original end date. This can be a great option for tenants who do not want to move out of their current home once the initial period of their agreement is up.

What do you need to know about extending your AST?

– Communicate with your landlord: The first step to extending your AST is to communicate with your landlord and express your desire to stay longer. You should also find out if your landlord is willing to extend your agreement. If they are, you can proceed to discuss the terms of the extension.

– Agree on the terms of the extension: When extending your AST, it is important to agree on the terms of the extension with your landlord. This includes the length of the extension, the rent amount, and any other terms that may be relevant to your situation.

– Sign a new agreement: Once you and your landlord have agreed on the terms of the extension, you will need to sign a new AST agreement. This will outline the terms of your extended tenancy and will be legally binding.

– Check if your deposit is protected: If you have paid a deposit, it is important to check if it is protected under a deposit protection scheme. This will ensure that your deposit is safe and can be returned to you at the end of the extended tenancy.

In summary, an assured shorthold tenancy agreement extension can be an excellent option for tenants who wish to stay in their home for longer than the original period. By communicating with your landlord, agreeing on the terms of the extension, and signing a new agreement, you can extend your tenancy and enjoy the comfort of staying in your home for longer.