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Wedding Agreement Bab 21 Tari Dan Bian

Wedding Agreement Bab 21 Tari Dan Bian

Wedding agreements are becoming increasingly popular in Indonesia, and one of the most talked-about wedding agreements in recent times is the „bab 21 tari dan bian“ agreement. This agreement has gained a lot of attention because of the unique stipulations it contains.

The wedding agreement „bab 21 tari dan bian“ is a prenuptial agreement signed by Indonesian celebrity couple Tari and Bian. This agreement has gained a lot of attention from the media and the public due to the unique stipulations it contains. The agreement was signed before their marriage, and it contains provisions related to property, business, and even personal relationships.

One of the most interesting provisions in the agreement states that Tari and Bian are not allowed to have any extramarital affairs. If either of them cheats, they will have to pay a penalty of IDR 1 billion (approximately USD 70,000). While this may seem like an extreme provision, it is not uncommon for prenuptial agreements to contain clauses related to monogamy. This provision may have been included to ensure that both parties are committed to their marriage and will not engage in any behavior that could damage their relationship.

Another unique provision in the „bab 21 tari dan bian“ agreement is related to their respective careers. Tari is a dancer, and Bian is a businessman. The agreement states that Tari will not be allowed to perform in nightclubs or other venues that may be considered inappropriate. Meanwhile, Bian is not allowed to engage in any business activities that are deemed to be illegal or unethical. These provisions are understandable since both parties have public images to maintain.

The „bab 21 tari dan bian“ agreement also includes clauses related to the division of assets in the event of a divorce. The agreement stipulates that any property acquired during the marriage will be divided equally if the marriage ends in divorce. However, any assets that were acquired prior to the marriage will remain the property of the original owner. This provision is typical of most prenuptial agreements and provides a clear guideline for the division of assets in the event of a divorce.

In conclusion, the „bab 21 tari dan bian“ wedding agreement is a unique prenuptial agreement that contains several interesting provisions. While some of the clauses may seem extreme, they are not uncommon in prenuptial agreements. The agreement provides a clear framework for the couple`s property, business, and personal relationships, which can help to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.